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A Right Royal Panto

Earlier this year (2002) the Goodworth Clatford Parish Council asked villagers to come up with ideas to celebrate the Queen’s Golden Jubilee. In addition to other events CADS volunteered to devise something suitable to perform.

This set the minds of CADS members whirring resulting in Sharon Colpman writing a script with Alan Willens adding a few touches and with the help of Alwyn Tucker created this production. The cast and crew worked closely together with a great spirit of cooperation to get ready for – what can only be described as – A Right Royal Panto.

Picture this – Goodworth Clatford is about to receive a Royal Golden Jubilee visit and it is time to reminisce about the Coronation. Did all go according to plan or was there dastardly plot afoot? You are invited to join in the Coronation scene songs where you can see ALL.