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A show cannot be performed without a script. CADS strive to make each performance, show or play, different to anything we've done previously. This, of course, is not always possible - but it's fun trying.

Members are always being asked to look out for something we might like to try - however we also try to bear in mind that we prefer scripts that suit the characters and numbers that will be available for a coming production.

All this takes time and effort to do the research and help is always welcome.

Not only do CADS purchase scripts but we have members who write scripts.


From Vikings to Chinese, from Medieval to Modern Day, whatever we do the costumes have to be right! To do this requires a small team of members to get, make and/or alter costumes for actors, according to the director’s wishes. This may involve knowledge of CADS costume store, visiting charity shops, contacting Hampshire wardrobe or just asking around for costumes and making them fit the actor.

Knowing what costumes are needed is one thing - acquiring and managing is another.


Once again, when a new production is on the way the stage set has to be designed and created. This uses the creative talents of carpenters, artists (well the scenery has to be painted) and DIY'ers. Two weeks before each production we set aside a week-end to finalise the painting and erection of scenery and have fun while we do it.

Besides the main stage scenery it is also necessary to find and/or make the on stage props for either general or personal affect.


Working backstage is a vital part of putting on a show with making sure scenery is in place, props are handy and given to the right person and curtains are pulled at the proper time.

TECHIE - Lights, Sound, Video

Keeping up with technology in theatrical equipment is as fast moving as any in the world of computers! We may not have the latest gizmo's but we do try and bring in as much as necessary with lighting and sound equipment. We also like to use many sound effect and video and n particular in filming whole performances.


Our normal routing when putting on a show is to have 2 nights where we serve a full supper - themed to what is being performed. We like to recruit a team of kitchen helpers for preparing and serving our superb meals.


When we finally get to 'Show Week' we need to have our Front of House organised with a team of helpers to cover the various duties at reception, behind the bar, selling raffle tickets, keeping an eye on car parking etc.


Our Shows are advertised by Posters and putting pre-notice and post performance reports in the Clatfords Magazine and elsewhere as thought necessary.

Posters go through the process of design, printing and posting and de-posting.

Tickets generally follow the same design and printing process as posters with the additional task of controlling seat allocation as tickets are sold.

Programmes also go through design and printing stages but with a lot more content about the show, cast etc.